The Ningaloo reef has a lot to offer !
Experiences for everyone
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The Ocean
Whether you explore on your own or let yourself be guided by professionals, the secrets of the Ningaloo Reef will definitely keep you in awe !
Swimming with Whalesharks
Finding yourself out in the deep blue swimming behind the biggest fish in the world… there is nothing like it.
If you are a bit weary or hesitant, we definitely recommend still considering booking this experience.
The tour operators know what they are doing and they will make sure you get the best day ever !
Glass Bottom Boat
For those who want to see the wonders of the reef from a dry comfortable place, the glass bottom boat tour will be your best option.
They also offer snorkelling tours if some in your tribe still want to get wet !
Snorkelling from the beach
The Ningaloo Reef is a fringing reef, which means it is close to shore and easily accessible.
You can hire snorkelling gear and go explore on your own !
Our favourite spots are in the Cape Range National Park.
Some spots can only be explored at high tide so make sure to choose the right time to go !
Water sports
If the weather is on your side, you might catch a few waves on the cape. So take your gear if you like the crowds !
Living the dream and bringing the boat up for the holidays? Make sure you stay safe and read the
Exmouth Boating Guide
before you go out.
Your are welcome to log on with us at Reception !
You can go casting from the beach at sunrise, try your luck spearfishing in the bay or even launch the boat at Tantabiddi and catch a variety of species !
Please make sure you know the rules and regulations.
Download the RecFishWest app to make sure you do the right thing !

Cape Range National Park
Yardie is merely 7 kilometres from the entrance of Cape Range National Park.
Its magnificent gorges walking trails, snorkelling spots and beaches are a must see when traveling to Exmouth !